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Saturday, May 22, 2010

5:36 AM

5:36 AM. The arrival of our first customer to our yard sale. And they continued to pour in for a few hours. I really don't know what to say! I thought people only got up that early on Black Friday. We weren't complaining though. It is amazing the junk, and I mean JUNK, people will buy. I guess they feel they are getting a steal for $0.25. I am happy to have an attic rid of alot of our stuff and would have gladly paid them to take it all! By 2pm we had cleaned up the entire sale, made a run to goodwill with the leftovers (only a few boxes!), put the kids down for naps and Chad and I were about to nap too. Not too bad for a morning's work.

After naps we took a walk around City Lake to try out our new stroller (a triple sit and stand-what a beast!) and then went to Chico's to eat dinner as a reward for all our hard work. Chico's is located on the river and has an outside patio. The boys were able to see painted turtles in the river and feed them tortilla chips. We had fun.

Nathan had a funny today. The background is that Cameron found roundup (don't ask) and sprayed his brother in the eye. It scared me a little but we were able to wash it out. A few minutes after this incident Chad was trying to make sure Nathan could see ok. He held up fingers and asked Nate to count. "One...two...four!" Nathan said. To which Chad said, "Yep, he's fine." Good times, good times. Later that morning a man was looking at our double stroller we had for sale. A button was missing and this made it hard to collapse, but it still functioned fine. So Nathan says to the man, "The stroller is busted, it's broken." He said this a few times! The man told Chad that at least he was honest, not a good salesman, but honest. Too funny. We never did sell the stroller...

The boys and I visited a strawberry patch yesterday. It was our first time and we had a blast. Cameron must have eaten a dozen strawberry tops, he didn't understand to only eat the berry! It was so cute to see the kids with red mouths and their little containers of berries. They were very proud of their labors. After a lesson in strawberry farming, actual picking of the berries, and ice cream (strawberry of course!), we had a picnic at the park with a few friends. It was such a fun morning. I am really enjoying this stage with the boys: they can feed themselves, communicate in sentences, and even though they argue sometimes as brothers will, they really love each other. I feel blessed to be their mama. Thank you Lord for the privilege to raise these sweet boys.


Look what I got!

Mmm, stems and all.

Fresh berries, nothing
like it!

Have a good Sunday worshipping our Lord Jesus.

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