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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow day!

NC got snow! And not just a little dusting...3 inches of white! Nathan and Cameron were so excited to see the snow when they woke up Saturday morning. It was sleeting until yesterday afternoon, we still played outside but it was more fun today. Chad took us sledding this morning...and yes it was Sunday. Let me explain. If your from NC just ignore this yankee. Apparently every church in our town was closed today, or at least delayed. Also, I guess this information is a given with NC natives. Of course church would be closed, right? (Can you tell we are from IL? Haha) We had no idea and proceeded to church to find no one there! Nathan was very upset that church was closed. Really, how do you explain that to a 3 year old?! So we went home, "muddled" (bundled) up as Nathan calls it and went sledding. I was able to get some video and may post it later. Cameron did surprisingly well. He hopped right on the sled with daddy and brother and cried when it was time to leave. I even went down the hill:) What a fun day. After sledding we went home to have chicken chili and take naps. Here are some pictures.
Getting ready to go down the hill!
Aren't they cute?
Stayed on the sled
the whole time.
Cameron didn't like
playing while the sleet
was coming down, so
he and I went inside.
Chad making snowballs!
Nathan didn't mind the sleet
and had a blast pelting his
parents with snowballs.

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