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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Another Blessing

I guess this picture says it all....we are going to have a baby! The baby is a the size of a peanut in this ultrasound. Chad is very, very excited and Nathan is not happy that we can't name the baby NOW. Nathan is also very concerned when he sits on my lap that he doesn't hurt the baby. So precious! I don't think Cameron has any idea what is about to happen...he is not only getting booted out of his room but he will no longer be the baby.

The pregnancy is going well. A bit different from the first two...maybe an indicator for a girl? Chad is definitely hoping for a daughter. I truly don't mind either way. We will find out though. My sweet husband is very insistent on that! He says he feels he can bond with the baby better that way. I guess I understand a little, after all we thought Nathan was a girl and practically called him Adelyn the entire pregnancy. Imagine our surprise when a red headed little boy made an appearance instead of our blonde girl! Needless to say we found out with Cameron, but I still think that is one of God's best surprises:)

Chad and I are humbled that God would see fit to give us another child. It is easy in the thick of parenting to get discouraged, but as a wonderful friend reminded me: "It is the Lord who opens and closes the womb". Thank you Lord for blessing us with a new baby and for trusting us with this huge responsibility.

The due date is July 30th...or is it the 31st? Oh dear, this pregnancy has me very forgetful:(
ANYWAY...the baby will be here this summer. I am about 13 weeks along at this time. So ready for that second wind...

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